[Event Report] Making the ‘Silent Pandemic’ of AMR Heard: What Countries Leading the Charge Against AMR are Doing to Ensure their Populations are Protected (April 28, 2022)
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- [Event Report] Making the ‘Silent Pandemic’ of AMR Heard: What Countries Leading the Charge Against AMR are Doing to Ensure their Populations are Protected (April 28, 2022)
*The report of this symposium has been published. (November 28, 2022)
On April 28, 2022, AMR Alliance Japan (Secretariat: Health and Global Policy Institute) held a symposium gathering experts from Japan and other countries that are leading the way in the fight against AMR. Participants from Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States discussed each country’s AMR response, and possibilities for future collaborations in this space.
This symposium shared international best practices for stronger policy responses against AMR as well as trends of policy discussions on this issue. Moving forward, AMR Alliance Japan and HGPI will continue to work to make the ‘silent pandemic’ of AMR heard.
Full report will be available in due course.
- Date and time: April 28, 2022; 18:00-19:30, JST
- Format: Online using the Zoom conferencing system
- Host: AMR Alliance Japan / Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)
- Languages: English and Japanese (simultaneous interpretation will be provided)
- Participation fee: Free
18:00-18:05 Welcome and Introduction
Matt McEnany (Senior Manager, Health and Global Policy Institute / AMR Alliance Japan)
18:05-18:10 Opening Remarks
Yasuhisa Shiozaki (Former Member, House of Representatives / Member, WHO Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance)
18:10-18:20 – Looking Back on the UK’s G7 Presidency – Future Plans for AMR Policy
Sally Davies (UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance / Member, WHO Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance)
18:20-18:30 – AMR in Germany’s G7 Presidency
Dagmar Reitenbach (Head of Division Global Health, Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), Germany)
18:30-18:40 – AMR Policy Priorities in the United States and Across Europe
Kevin Outterson (Executive Director, CARB-X)
18:40-18:50 – Japanese Leadership on AMR Countermeasures
Norio Ohmagari (Director, Department of Infectious Diseases, National Center for Global Health and Medicine / Director, AMR Clinical Reference Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine)
18:50 – 19:30 Panel Discussion / Q&A
- Sally Davies (UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance / Member, WHO Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance)
- Dagmar Reitenbach (Head of Division Global Health, Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), Germany)
- Kevin Outterson (Executive Director, CARB-X)
- Norio Ohmagari (Director, Department of Infectious Diseases, National Center for Global Health and Medicine / Director, AMR Clinical Reference Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine)
- Eiji Hinoshita (Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Matt McEnany (Senior Manager, Health and Global Policy Institute / AMR Alliance Japan)